This school year at the University of Central Arkansas has been an experience that will always stay with me. Coming from an extremely small town that lies three hours south of Conway, I started out this year not knowing anyone. It was terrifying, but I had dreamed of coming to UCA since I was very young— so there was no stopping me.
UCA ended up being exactly how I had always imagined it would be and more. My roommate the first semester became my closest friend. And, even though she would end up moving home to Arizona the next semester, that bond and friendship meant the world to me. We would hang out in the lobby and meet new people (together, so it wasn’t awkward!) and even attend events that the dorm was holding together.
We loved it, the Residential College created this bond between us and everyone else in the building. I ended up attending “group talks,” where everyone talked about their religious beliefs, families, and much more! These connections I made at the beginnning of the semester encouraged me to do well and work harder so that I could stay at the place I loved.
I have loved my classes at UCA—especially my teachers. The work here has been challenging, but enjoyable. I’ve learned so much! And the Residential Colleges have given me the push and tools I need in order to succeed. I love UCA and I have loved the dorms I’ve lived in. If I could start over, I believe I would do it all the same. I’m extremely grateful for my experiences this year and I have loved every second of being at the University of Central Arkansas and living in their Residential Colleges.